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    Why learning English is so important?

    Why learning English is so important?

    • March 16, 2017
    • admin

    At present students are devoting a quality of time to studying English as a second language. In many countries, English is being taught in their school syllabus at an early age. What is the Relevance of learning English at present?

    If you go for lighter studies or a job or planning to go to abroad learning English can help you professionally and personally. For getting government service and doing professional Courses and compete in the job market a student has to learn English very well. Here are ten reasons to study English at an early age.

    1. English is a Global Language

    English is the most important language in the world, and English is the official language of 67 countries.1.35 billion people worldwide speak English. One out of five people either Speak or understand English.


    2. Learning English can get you a job

    English is the language of science, technology, and higher studies computers and tourism person with a sound knowledge of English can easily get a Job in MNCs in your Country.

    3. English is the language of the Internet

    Internet is the part and parcel of our life. We can not imagine our life without the Internet. Most of the content and written in English. If you do not know English very well, you can not enrich your knowledge further. Without learning English you can not avail yourself of many online courses.

    4. English is the window of the World’s Knowledge

    Thousands of schools and universities around the world offer programmes in English. If you are at home, You can easily enrol on the courses and get a job. Many numbers of opportunities will open up for you to possess a good command of English.

    5. English language posses the Way for business

    If you run a business and want to flourish your business online, learning English can immensely help you. You can easily communicate with people across the world if you speak or write English very well.

    6. Travelling will be easier for You knowing English

    If you go on a trip around the world you can easily communicate with others and exchange your thoughts, with others. You Can easily make friends with a foreigner and know his likes and dislikes.

    7. English Language makes you familiar with Adultilingual Cultures

    If you have sound knowledge of the English language can understand English movies and reads thousands of books and watch English news channels. Learning English will really help to overcome your inferiority complex.

    8. Most of the research Papers are in English

    If you are a student or a professional or a scientist you can easily get access to the latest research or various subject and update your knowledge further. You Can easily interact with professors, educationists and scientists across the world as well as in your country also.

    9. English is the prime language of Media

    Your excellent knowledge of English will help you to have free-to-world media both visual and print also. You can easily read English newspapers, enjoy English songs, and understand interviews of political leaders, eminent personalities, and educative videos on youtube.

    10. Your command of English enhances your social position

    If you are a good speaker of English you can easily influence others through the oratorial skill. You can easily get promotion and command respect from your colleagues and superiors. You can guide your children in their academic studies and interact with their teachers in their parent-teacher meetings.